We crucified these people . Without the syphilitic Stalin fanboy Rosenvelt and his diabolical lend-lease the communist red terror would have been defeated by the Germans.

Instead we crucified and obliterated the one nation that stood up to the blood-maddened judeo-bolshevik hordes.

Now we are reaping the bitter fruits of our suicidal folly.

Only jews and communists won WWII.

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Es lebe Adolf Hitler ❤️‍🔥

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We killed and destroyed our BROTHERS for the sake of a foreign and alien people. I know we were subverted but the deed was done and I fear one day we’ll have to pay for this great sin.

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Fascinating... I was born 19 years after this, and here I am today, looking back it it all, knowing the history of the people and the outcomes they never imagined...

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Just imagine the monuments we will build to these people when we win

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