Our Friend ADAM - who hosts the, ''Myth of the 20th Century'' Podcast joins us to discuss the END of the Post-Westphalian state, the diminished role of Public Intellectuals, Elon Musk and other topics
But with the value of the US dollar and global financial system disintegrating at an alarming rate nuclear energy looks increasingly appealing. Nuclear (unlike wind turbines, etc) can deliver the goods quite easily.,
I have this suspicion that the whole anti-nuclear movement was a PR smear campaign in favor of the US Petrodollar. The 1971 financial architecture devised to replace gold made oil a key bedrock to this new system. Nuclear energy made a lot of sense geopolitically but could prove disastrous to oil prices and thus hurt the US. Therefore, Hollywood and the wider marketing apparatus attacked nuclear energy HARD.
That’s PART of it - but PART of it was (and IS) LEFT WING lunacy. Same tendency that killed subsidies for HYPERSONIC commercial travel, SAME faction that insists, ‘‘global warming’’ is ushering in an apocalypse.
40 YEARS ago it was, ‘‘OVERPOPULATION’’ and ‘‘dangerous’’ NUCLEAR ENERGY that was their pet fixation. These people are LUDDITES - they’re terrified of actual, ‘‘SCIENCE’’ - despite their refrain that they, ‘‘TRUST the SCIENCE’’.
They certainly can act stupid and hysterical when they want to. But as with the global warming hysteria there seems to be something much deeper going on.
Outro: Last Pale Light in the West — Ben Nichols
Great intro.
Great intro and outro songs
Running Man theme at the beginning
I really appreciate how you are always a voice of sober encouragement for us young guys. It's easy to flirt with despair - BUT NOT ON THOMAS' WATCH!
But with the value of the US dollar and global financial system disintegrating at an alarming rate nuclear energy looks increasingly appealing. Nuclear (unlike wind turbines, etc) can deliver the goods quite easily.,
I have this suspicion that the whole anti-nuclear movement was a PR smear campaign in favor of the US Petrodollar. The 1971 financial architecture devised to replace gold made oil a key bedrock to this new system. Nuclear energy made a lot of sense geopolitically but could prove disastrous to oil prices and thus hurt the US. Therefore, Hollywood and the wider marketing apparatus attacked nuclear energy HARD.
That’s PART of it - but PART of it was (and IS) LEFT WING lunacy. Same tendency that killed subsidies for HYPERSONIC commercial travel, SAME faction that insists, ‘‘global warming’’ is ushering in an apocalypse.
40 YEARS ago it was, ‘‘OVERPOPULATION’’ and ‘‘dangerous’’ NUCLEAR ENERGY that was their pet fixation. These people are LUDDITES - they’re terrified of actual, ‘‘SCIENCE’’ - despite their refrain that they, ‘‘TRUST the SCIENCE’’.
One of the hardest things about left wing lunacy issues is figuring out if it’s genuine stupidity or just cover for something very nefarious.
They certainly can act stupid and hysterical when they want to. But as with the global warming hysteria there seems to be something much deeper going on.