May 23Liked by RealThomas777

Very happy things are popping off for you somewhat, Thomas. Much deserved. Keep us posted on when you'll be dropping in each of said locales. God's love and mine.

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The Nuremberg System: World Order and Globalism Since 1947 Vol I.

You have seen something that others have missed or purposefully obscured. I look forward to collecting that set of volumes and reading in full what you have summarised in interviews. You have already provided me with a sudden and clarifying new perspective. Were later volumes to include speculations about the post-Nuremberg System, and for you to do that would be to take on a prophetic role (and you have the capacity to do that so long as you can manage yourself and avoid vanity corrupting the vision) . . . well, I would be excited to have the full set of these books in my hands. I wish you good luck and guidance from the gods, your ancestors, etc.

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Glad to hear you're getting better, Thomas. My copy of Nomos of the Earth came last week so I'm looking forward to reading your new title when I finish it. God bless

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I can tell from the title (and the fact that you’re the author) that I NEED a copy of this book. Good luck with the competition of it!

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Hi Thomas, I'm glad to hear you're getting better. I have been reading your content and, even though I don't agree with all your takes, I'm really looking forward to reading your upcoming book. I think you truly have a contribution to make and bring something new to the table.

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